Distribution companies: Shortfilm

Production company based in Montevideo. Mainly focused on developing impact film projects.

Featured productions or latest productions

Year Project Type
2020 Blanes esquina Muller Cortometraje
2020 Laberinto Cortometraje
2020 Vampus Horror Tales Película

Icono dirección Chaná 2010

Icono teléfono (+598) 92518685

Icono e-mail senobiastudio@gmail.com

Icono web https://senobia.site/

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Independent production company focused on upcoming storytellers, based in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Senobia represents a new way of telling stories, built on passion, collaboration, and beauty.
Through creative productions, we approach every project with sensitivity, simplicity, and wonder.

We specialize in projects that blend culture and commerce, utilizing a scalable, multidisciplinary approach. Our services include production, creative direction, design, photography, and film.

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