Uruguayan Association of Film and Audiovisual Producers and Directors.
In the context of the public-private coordination promoted by the Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Mining, a group of production companies , training centers and festivals in the east of the country (Rocha and Maldonado) have agreed to form an institution that brings them together to work on the promotion of the film and audiovisual industry in the eastern region. After seven years of meetings and encounters, this group decided to form itself as Este Audiovisual, a non-profit civil association for the purposes of having an organic and institutionalized way of working.
We are a promotion agency and marketing services with extensive experience in setting up press campaigns for Uruguayan films abroad and we offer our alliances with film sales agents in America and Europe. We are also festival programmers in Uruguay, Argentina and Chile. We are also content distributors for the region. We are creators of the first film festival dedicated to fostering, promoting, disseminating thematic cinema about music and its makers and its historical and long relationship with cinema called Filmusica Fest in association with the famous international festival In-Edit.
We are working so close with importants festivales as Fesitval Int de Cine de Punta del Este, Piriapolis de Pelicula, Festival de la Costa in Uruguay.
Member of
The Recording Academy & The Latin Recording Academy (USA); ANAFE Asociacion Nacional de Festivales, Muestras y Encuentros de Cine
The Canarian Locations Office, which depends on the General Direction of Culture of the Government of Canelones, has been working since the end of October 2013.
The office has become a one-stop-shop for all the formalities that involve the audiovisual sector in our department. It is in charge of advising and authorizing the filming and photographic campaigns that take place in public spaces in the Canelones.
Moreover, it supports, participates, and promotes events linked to the sector that improve the positioning of Canelones as a film location inside and outside the borders, as well as its filmmakers (either professionals or amateurs).
Member of
Locaciones Canarias participa activamente de la Mesa Directiva de la Uruguay Film Commission desde el 2014. En 2016, la oficina de Locaciones Canarias fue incluida en la Guía de Comisiones Fílmicas Latinoamericanas de LatAm Cinema.

+598 473 29898 / 101 +598 473 34 816 / 3001 +598 473 92 522 521 +598 99 452 171
It is a regional coordination office and an inter-institutional workspace to promote the development of audiovisual activity in Salto and the region. Through a framework agreement, involving the Municipality of Salto, the University of the Republic-Cenur Litoral Norte headquarters Salto and the Salto Grande Regional Development Foundation, and integrates the participation of referents from the private sector as well as other institutions linked to the activity. Through the MAS, audiovisual projects of various kinds carried out in Salto and the region are managed, such as audiovisual training and education activities responding to local needs; searching for locations; promoting film exhibitions; registration of local producers and filmmakers; development of incentive and promotion tools for local production; development and participation in markets and festivals, among others.

Edificio Sede. Av 18 de julio 1360. Piso 3, oficina 3080
+598 1950 1634
Montevideo Audiovisual integrates the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Montevideo. As a management space, it assists the audiovisual sector in three well-defined areas: Promotion: Through the management of the Montevideo Socio Audiovisual and Montevideo Filma programs, it contributes to the development of Uruguayan cinema and audiovisual. Actively participates in the development of the interinstitutional program SeriesUY, aimed at the production of fiction series for television. It also stimulates the dissemination of quality cinematographic and audiovisual content, supporting premieres of Uruguayan audiovisual productions and the development and management of festivals and national and international exhibitions in the city.
Exhibitions: It articulates at an informative and support level the programming of the different public screens of IdeM and MEC, besides developing programs and own cycles of exhibition through an itinerant projection system.
Locations: Montevideo Audiovisual is the Office in charge of processing and coordinating the filming permits for film, television and advertising shoots that are displayed throughout the department.
The Office of Locations in Colonia (OLACOLONIA) works in the Direction of Tourism of the Municipality of Colonia and is in charge of coordinating everything related to the use of public spaces and locations in the Department of Colonia for audiovisual productions, whether photographic, advertising films, documentaries, etc. Thus, in March 2016, by Resolution of the Intendent, OLACOLONIA was created (Office of Locations Colonia) generating a “unique window” of application for the use of locations, in order to facilitate and speed up the procedure and work for those interested in taking advantage of Colonial scenarios for their audiovisual creations. Since then, we have registered German, French, Japanese and American productions; films, documentaries, trademark productions (photographic and film), programs of educational interest, which have developed their work in Colonia and who have been helped to carry out their work with more ease.
The Municipality of Colonia, in response to the increasing demand for the use of public spaces, has begun to authorize the use of public locations.
As the industry grew and generated resources in the territory (acting roles, accommodation, catering, among other services always necessary for film production companies), the municipality improved its response capacity and so on, having as a support base a project of the Junta Departamental (from the year 2015) that promoted the creation of a Film Location Office, the Direction of Tourism began to work, together with other directorates of the Municipality (SPOT, Public Relations and Press, Culture, Traffic and Hygiene) to concretize the creation of a unit that would centralize the task.
Featured productions or latest productions
Year | Project | Type |
2020 | El Robo del Siglo | Película |
2020 | Julio | Película |
2020 | Verruckt ach Meer (Locos por el Mar) Alemania | Programa TV |
2018 | 7Up – Pepsico | Publicidad |
2017 | No llores por mí Inglaterra | Película |
Production and distribution of Uruguayan films and videos and international co-productions. In 1995 I reopened the Uruguayan Film School. In 2006 I created and directed the television program La Banda, by and for children, at TNU. I have published some books such as Diez años de video uruguayo, 25 años de Divercine and others.
Member of
ASOPROD, Endoc, Red de festivales del Uruguay, ComKids, Ciniño, Wikipedia y otros.
Featured productions or latest productions
Year | Project | Type |
2020 | 29 Festival Internacional de Cine para Niños y Jóvenes del Uruguay, Divercine | Otros |
2020 | Máximo | Documental |
2020 | Pasos en la niebla | Documental |
2019 | 13 Festival Internacional de Cine Documental del Uruguay, Atlantidoc | Otros |
2019 | 28 Festival Internacional de Cine para Niños y Jóvenes del Uruguay, Divercine | Otros |
2017 | libres en el sonido | Documental |

General Artigas 176
+598 97711552
ROCHA FILMA, location office, has as its fundamental premise, to promote the Department of Rocha (Uruguay) as a destination for audiovisual production, its insertion in national and international markets and consolidate the diversity of landscapes and local resources. With the conception that the audiovisual activity results in identity products with high potential for regional transformation, ROCHA FILMA emerges as a regional powerhouse, whose management policies promote the expansion of innovative initiatives with greater added value and training throughout the Rocha territory. ROCHA FILMA, articulates institutional and private tools that promote training, exchange and linkage within the diverse universe of creative industries, and consequently with that “traction”, enhances production, contributes to the visibility and promotes marketing in all sectors that choose the Department Rocha as a destination.
Featured productions or latest productions
Year | Project | Type |
2023 | QUINCHADORES | Documental |
We are the agency responsible for the promotion of exports, investments and country image. We work to strengthen the export capacity and competitiveness of Uruguayan companies, promote the country as an attractive destination for productive investments and promote the Uruguay Natural Country Brand in the world.