Waiver Logistics Uruguay SA

Icono dirección Circunvalación Durango 1389 Oficina 202

Icono teléfono +598 97085676

Icono e-mail infouruguai@waiverlog.com

Icono web http://www.waiverlogistics.com

Icono linkedin

Waiver Logistics offers its comprehensive logistics services ranging from national and international multimodal transport, packaging and handling as well as advice and customs clearance. Coordination of income and expenses of our country. We have our own offices and partner offices all over the world. The careful and professional handling of the goods, the sensitive time and the satisfaction of our clients are the pillars of our management.

Contact with commercial executives:

Mateo Machin // +598 97085676 // +598 99919298 // mateo.machin@waiver.com.ar

Fernando Gonzalez // +598 97683250 // +598 99939498 // fernando.gonzalez@waiver.com.uy

Member of

Contactos con ejecutivos comerciales: Mateo Machin // +598 97085676 // +598 99919298 // mateo.machin@waiver.com.ar Fernando Gonzalez // +598 97683250 // +598 99939498 // fernando.gonzalez@waiver.com.uy

Featured productions or latest productions

Year Project Type
2022 RENAULT FRANCIA Publicidad
2021 AMSTERDAM Serie
2021 BARRA BRAVA Serie
2021 IOSI Serie
2021 Porno y Helado Serie
2019 CONQUEST Serie
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