In a country that stands out in the world for its reliability and for the advantages  offered to foreign companies when doing business—such as the free exchange market and the absence of restrictions for the repatriation of profits, among others—the audiovisual sector benefits from a series of exclusive incentives for the industry.

The growth of the Uruguayan audiovisual ecosystem, with the constant government support of institutions such as the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual, Uruguay XXI promotion and export agency and various ministries and Local Governments, has formed a framework of incentives and programs that promote the production of national films and attract international productions.

In recent years, Uruguay has consolidated plans and incentives focused on strengthening the audiovisual industry and its international positioning:

The Uruguay Audiovisual Program, developed from an inter-institutional structure and through its support lines for international, advertising and national productions, has been a significant contribution that, through cash rebate tools and added to benefits such as the VAT exception—available for all types of audiovisual creations—favors the attractiveness for the execution of services, productions and co-productions in Uruguay. A small country that works like a set, with accessibility and dynamics that have a positive impact on productions.

More information about incentive programs here

At the same time, lines of support for the production of national films and co-production projects, implemented through the Film Promotion Fund, and other funds, such as the Cultural Incentive Funds, or the funds granted by the Municipality of Montevideo, are tools that favor the development of Uruguayan works. Over time, these instruments have helped consolidate the unique identity of the national film industry, and strengthen its presence in the international markets and festivals. Great stories that are projected internationally, from a strategically located country.

Learn more about the benefits of filming and co-producing in Uruguay at