Direction: Agustina Willat, Ana Micenmacher

2019 Documentary Short Film Released


In a rural setting in northern Uruguay, Raquel and a group of women lead a weaving project. Facing the challenge of collective work, they will use the encounter between them to fight against old and conservative structures and strengthen themselves as freer women.

Bio Director:

Ana Micenmacher Uruguay - Co-director and Director of Photography has worked as a technician in the camera area for movies, TV and commercials since 2011. Agustina Willat Montevideo, 1989 - Co-director has worked as Director, Assistant director and editor. Both graduated from the Uruguayan Film School. Short films Silvia, Dedos, El vender de Naranjas and Luciérnaga won several awards at national festivals and were selected at multiple international festivals. Together they make Hacé y Mostrá - Televisión Comunitaria awarded by the TAL network Latin American Television for the best educational program in 2016.


Premio Mejor Cortometraje uruguayo Festival
Cinematográfico Internacional del Uruguay
Diciembre. 2021
Selección Oficial competencia internacional
de cortometrajes Festival Biobio. Concepción,
Chile. Junio 2021
Selección Oficial competencia Mehodo
International Youth Visual Media Festival. NY,
EEUU. Febrero 2022.
Selección Oficial Gándara Independent Film
Festival. Marzo 2022.
Selección Oficial Muestra Latinoamericana
Festival Internacional de cortos de San Pablo.
Brasil. Agosto 2022



Release Year: 2022

Production Year: 2019

Duration: Short Film

Status: Released

Type: Documentary Film

Florencia Abbondanza



Raquel Fernandez, Andrea Olivera, Eva Rivas,
Blanca Cáceres, Mónica Ayala, Micaela Ayala,
Rosa López, Sonia Pérez

Agustina Willat, Ana Micenmacher

Production House:

Hormiguita Films



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