Direction: Marta García y Sol Infante

2024 Documentary Feature Film Released

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Karina makes her living as a sex worker on the road and she is an outspoken activist. Now at the age of 45, and with her itinerant life, she begins to imagine life working in another field and she starts the way to organize her colleagues for their labor rights. Both challenges are difficult for a woman with a bad reputation.

Bio Director:

MARTA GARCÍA (Basque Country, 1986) has lived in Uruguay since 2012. She works in programming and distribution, having participated as a programmer in the teams of DocMontevideo, CineMigrante, MICGénero, Festival de Málaga, Zinebi, Retina Latina and Tenemos Que Ver, among others. She has distributed films in theaters in Uruguay and collaborates with the information medium LatAm cinema. She has a degree in Audiovisual Communication and has training in cultural management, migration and human mobility, international cultural relations and gender and equality policies. Bad Reputation is her debut film. SOL INFANTE (Argentina, 1986) lives in Uruguay since 2000. She graduated in Information and Communication at the University of the Re- public and specialized in Photography Direction (SICA, Punto Cine, among others). In 2019 she co-directed and photographed the short film Egg White (Clara de huevo), which has had an important tour of film festivals around the world. She currently co-directs and photographs a documentary series called “Las Tías”. Bad Reputation is her feature-length documentary debut. She participated in various projects (shorts, features, series) as director of photography and within the camera department. She was one of the founders and co-directors of the International Film and Human Rights Festival “We Have to See.” She was part of “Documentary Week” team at Doc Montevideo and part of the programming team for “Fememina”, a Festival of short films made by Women in Montevideo, Uruguay. She has also worked as a teacher at the University of Labor, University of the Republic and various programs of the Ministry of Education and Culture.


Estrenada en Competencia oficial óperas primas Sheffield Doc Fest, UK, junio 2024.

Participó en:
Nuevas Miradas EICTV Cuba 2018 (Premio TFI)
Puentes EAVE Uruguay 2018
Tribeca Film Institute Network 2019
Proyecta Ventana Sur 2019 (Premio Producers Network)
Seminario taller de guion Atlantic Doc 2019.
DocuLab Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara 2023 (Premio Cinecolor México)

Funds Earned:

Fondo Fomento desarrollo y producción ACAU, UY
Mvd Filma y Mvd Socio Audiovisual, IM, UY
IBERMEDIA Coproducción
Mecenazgo Ciudad de Bs As



Release Year: 2024

Production Year: 2024

Duration: Feature Film

Status: Released

Type: Documentary Film

Micaela Solé



Karina Núñez

Marta García
Sol Infante

Production House:

Cordón Films, Ah Cine!, Navega Cine


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