
Camille ODuffy






Belén is a young and humble mother who grew up in a rather murky environment, around drugs and toxic relationships. She always wanted to escape from that and had dreams of living on the beach in Brazil. Her dream was cut short when she became pregnant at 17 years with her first boyfriend, Braian. Being a mother was something I always wanted, but I was able at another time, later. That being so, the birth of her daughter inspired her more to Leaving his environment, he found a stable job with which he can support the family. His Boyfriend Braian, however, is still the same as always. He leaves the house to spend time with his friends, he doesn't take much care of his daughter and is involved in shady things. When we find Belén she is already quite fed up with the situation. She knows that she deserves much more from life, She herself knows that she is intelligent and a fighter. One day he goes to work as usual, takes a bus to a distant and expensive neighborhood that gives him time to practice Portuguese on the bus. She spends work with her friend Luz, sweeping the street and dreaming of a life better. On Belén's return from work, by coincidence she mistakes her backpack for another person. She raises the bondi and realizes that the backpack is not hers. When you open the backpack You realize that it is full of dollars, 10,000 there. Now you are faced with the decision of his life. Return the money, or use it to escape with your daughter from the toxic family environment in which you live. Her decision is made more difficult when her boyfriend, Braian, shows her that is really trying, but Belén quickly realizes that it is the actions and not the words that count. After an argument with Braian, in which he leaves the house, Belén makes the decision to go to Brazil to live with her daughter.

Bio Director:

The director is also a documentary maker. She has directed her first documentary, Carlitos which was also selected in the Detour Festival 2021. Her other works include: De Todos Lados 2020 about immigrants living in Montevideo and Mono 2020 about a locksmith.


Selecionado en el Festival Detour de Uruguay



Release Year: 2021

Production Year: 2022

Duration: Short Film

Status: Released

Type: Fiction

Matias Denis y Maria Eugenia Perez Rubal



Florencia Battagliese, Emiliano Bentancor
Sol Isabella Huertas Méndez, Magali Olivella
Claudia Garrido, Jorge Costa Bia, Lorena

Camille ODuffy

Production House:

Universidad ORT


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