I grew up reading lips. When I went deaf, I had a cochlear implant surgery. My mother suddenly dies and, through her voice notes, the voice takes me to memories of sounds that make me wonder: How does a hearing-impaired hear?
Bio Director:
Charo Mato is an Argentinian filmmaker graduated from FADU-UBA. She has been a fellow of the Sundance Institute, Talents BA and RespectAbility. Her first film 8 Stories about my hearing loss, won Sundance post production Fund, was premiered at 9° FIDBA and won Best Film at 9° Construir Cine.
41° Vancouver International Film Festival
VIFF - Official Selection. 9° Buenos Aires
International Documentary Film Festival
FIDBA - Official Selection of National Feature
Competition. 9° Puerto Madryn International
Film Festival MAFICI - Winner of Special
Mention Women in focus. 9° International
Work Film Festival Construir Cine - Winner of
National Feature Competition. 18° Santiago
de Chile International Film Festival SANFIC -
Official Selection Directoras en foco.
Funds Earned:
Fondo de Fomento Coproducción - ACAU
Mecenazgo Argentina
Fondo nacional de las artes
Fondo de Postproducción de Sundance
Release Year: 2022
Duration: Feature Film
Status: Released
Type: Documentary Film
Charo Mato, Eugenia Olascuaga Fierro,
Valentina Baracco Pena
Charo Mato y familia
Charo Mato
Production House:
Monarca Films
