“The Employer and the Employee”, by the Uruguayan film director Manuel Nieto Zas, a feature film set against the Uruguayan rural backdrop, has been selected to participate in the prestigious Quinzaine des Reálisateurs, in Cannes 2021. On June 9 and 10, the film will screen in 4 theaters of the mythical French town. Since 1969, the Quinzaine des Reálisateurs, a renowned parallel selection of the Cannes Festival, has exhibited the best of avant-garde cinema, with the support of the CNC, the French National Institute of Cinema and Image.

The participation of “The Employer and the Employee” is an invaluable recognition for the Uruguayan film industry. This affirms a burgeoning film industry, which has been growing and expanding, becoming increasingly atttractive for co-productions of film d’auteur with a particular sensibility of global appeal.

Manuel Nieto’s participation is a meaningful film achievement, given that many important personalities in the field found a space to express themselves and enhanced their careers by being selected at the event, such as: Werner Herzog, George Lucas, Michael Habeke, Spike Lee, Naomi Kawase, Martin Scorsese, among others.

About the Author:

“The employee and the employer” is the third feature film by Manuel Nieto Zas. In 2006 he wrote and directed “La Perrera”, his first feature, which won the Tiger Award at the Rotterdam Festival. In 2013 he wrote, directed and produced “El Lugar del Hijo”, premiered at the Toronto Festival, obtaining the FIPRESCI award at the Havana Festival.

About the movie:

“The employer is a young man who apparently has everything except one urgent concern: the health of his baby. The employee is looking for work to support his newborn, so there is no doubt when the employer decides to hire him to work on his land. Both will meet their needs by helping each other. But one day an accident happens. This unexpected event will strain the ties between them, endangering the fate of the two families ”.


Director: Manuel Nieto Zas

Fotographer: Arauco Hernández Holz

Sound: Catriel Vildosola, Guillermo Picco, Gabriel Bervian

Production desing: Alejandro Castiglioni, Nicole Davieux

Edition: Pablo Riera

Music: Holocausto Vegetal & Buenos Muchachos

Cast: Cristian Borges, Fátima Quintanilla, Justina Bustos, Nahuel Perez Biscayart.

Production: Roken Films (Uruguay)
Coproduction: Pasto (Argentina), Murillo Cine (Argentina), Vulcana Cinema (Brasil), Sancho&Punta (Brazil), Paraíso Production (France)

Associate producer: Nadador Cine (Uruguay)

Foreign sales: Latidofilms

Distribution:  Eurozoom

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